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Northern NY Hospital Net Preamble

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St. Lawrence County RACES/ARES

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Northern New York Hospital and Emergency Net

Operator name
Is K2SLC the Net Control Station? Yes - at EOC using K2SLC
No - using my own callsign
Net opened at 18:15, closed at
Enter after net at bottom of page


Calling the Northern New York Hospital Net.
Calling the Northern New York Hospital Net.

This is   callsign   calling to order the Northern New York Hospital Net.

This is a directed net. Unless you have emergency traffic, please do not transmit unless invited to do so by the Net Control Station. The Net Control Station is   callsign   at   location  . My name is   name  .

Is there any emergency traffic at this time?

The purposes of this net are to test the ham radio communications capabilities of the hospitals in Northern New York and Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington, Vermont, and to provide training in handling formal written message traffic. This net meets on this repeater quarterly, generally on the first Tuesday of January, April, July, and October, at 18:15 Eastern Time, with schedule modifications to accommodate holidays. We thank the owners and operators of the Whiteface Mountain repeater for making it available for this net. The sub-audible tone for this repeater is 123.0 Hz, but 100.0 Hz. should be used for this net. If this repeater is not available, we will meet on the Lyon Mountain repeater, 147.285 MHz, positive offset, 123.0 Hz tone.

This net is limited to stations at medical facilities in Northern New York, to any station at Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington, Vermont, and to any stations providing relays for any of the medical facilities listed. MARS stations and Emergency Operation Centers in Northern New York and Canada are welcome to check in. Other stations are welcome to listen. The call-up will be by roll call of medical facilities, generally working from east to west, and then EOCs and MARS.

A formal message in standard format will be sent during this net, after the call-up of stations. Please use the latest ICS-213 Form, version 2.1.0 (modified for radio messages). All stations are requested to write down the message, to deliver it as addressed, and to request acknowledgment of the delivery by the addressee. Delivery may be made by any means that will allow the addressee to acknowledge receipt of the message, including, but not limited to, hand delivery, telephone, or e-mail. This simulates operations that would happen in an actual emergency situation.

This is   callsign   with the Northern New York Hospital Net. The roll call follows. When checking in, please give your call sign phonetically, the name of your facility, your first name, and indicate whether you have any traffic or not. If there is more than one operator at your location, please give the call signs and first names of all operators present.

Roll Call and Check-in

First calling for medical facilities.

Location Facility Callsign Name Traffic Message ACK
Burlington, VTUVM Medical Center
Ticonderoga, NYMoses Ludington Hospital
Plattsburgh, NYChamplain Valley Physicians Hospital
Elizabethtown, NYElizabethtown Community Hospital
Lake Placid, NYAdirondack Medical Center
Lake Placid, NYAMC - Elderwood Skilled Nursing Facility
Saranac Lake, NYAdirondack Medical Center
Malone, NYAlice Hyde Medical Center
Tupper Lake, NYAMC - Mercy Skilled Nursing Facility
Massena, NYMassena Memorial Hospital
Potsdam, NYCanton-Potsdam Hospital
Star Lake, NYClifton-Fine Hospital
Gouverneur, NYGouverneur Hospital
Lowville, NYLewis General Hospital
Ogdensburg, NYClaxton-Hepburn Medical Center
Carthage, NYCarthage Area Hospital
Burlington, VTUVM Medical Center - Additional

Any station relaying for any of the medical facilities in the roll call:
Note: Add relaying stations to appropriate facility listing.

Any other medical facilities in Northern New York:

City / State / Facility (leave blank if same as previous entry) Callsign Name Traffic Message ACK

Next, calling for Emergency Operations Centers in Northern New York:

Location Facility Callsign Name Traffic Message ACK
Plattsburgh, NYClinton County EOC
Lewis, NYEssex County EOC
Malone, NYFranklin County EOC
Lake Pleasant, NYHamilton County EOC
Canton, NYSt. Lawrence County EOC
Turin, NYLewis County EOC
Watertown, NYJefferson County EOC

Any other Emergency Operations Centers in Northern New York:

City / State / Facility (leave blank if same as previous entry) Callsign Name Traffic Message ACK

Any EOC's in Canada please call now:

City / State / Facility (leave blank if same as previous entry) Callsign Name Traffic Message ACK

Any MARS stations may check in now:

MARS stations that have checked in before:
KC2WI (Peter), Lake Pleas,
KD2ZKZ (Rich), ,

City / State / Facility (leave blank if same as previous entry) Callsign Name Traffic Message ACK

Training Message (verbal and digital)

This is   callsign   with the Northern New York Hospital Net.

All medical facility stations please copy the following message: (send short message)

All medical facility stations with digital capability please copy the following digital message: (send short digital message)

Notes to NCS:
1 - Create a test message on the ICS213 page. After the exercise, enter "NNY Net" in the "Sent To" field and save the message.
2 - Please read message slowly and clearly.
3 - After sending message, take care of any needed fills.
4 - If there is a digital message send it next, then read the text for stations to verify.
5 - Get acknowledgment of receipt for both voice and digital messages from each medical facility station that has checked in.

Late Check-ins

Are there any medical facility stations which have not yet checked in?

Are there any Emergency Operations Center stations or MARS stations which have not yet checked in?

Note: Add late check-ins to appropriate category above.


This is   callsign   with the Northern New York Hospital Net.

Are there any comments or questions from stations which have checked in?

We thank all stations for checking in. We encourage all operators who have not already done so to learn the modified ICS-213 message format and to take the EC-001 Basic Emergency Communications on-line course from the ARRL.

This is   callsign   with the Northern New York Hospital Net, closing the net at   24 hour time   Eastern [Standard/Daylight] Time, signing all stations clear, and returning the Whiteface Mountain repeater to normal operation.   callsign   OUT.

Net opened at 18:15, closed at
Time Format hh:mm
seconds are optional,
colon or period both work

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