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St. Lawrence County RACES/ARES

Thursday, February 6, 2025

St. Lawrence County Emergency Communications

Welcome to the St. Lawrence County Emergency Communications web site.

An important part of disaster preparedness is planning how to exchange information when telephones, cell phones, and the Internet are disabled by some natural or man-made event. Those who remember the Great Ice Storm of January 1998 know that the North Country is just as susceptible to a disaster as those who live in the hurricane prone regions of the country.

Two groups of volunteer amateur radio operators, the St. Lawrence County Emergency Operators Club (RACES), K2SLC, and St. Lawrence County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), KA2JXI, support St. Lawrence County Emergency Services by providing communications during emergency situations. Their radio shack is in the basement of the Public Safety Complex with antennas sharing the tower just outside the main entrance. During an emergency, there are additional fixed locations at county medical facilities and temporary locations can be set up wherever they may be needed.

Public Safety Complex, 48 Court Street, Canton, NY 13617

Become a member of RACES/ARES

There are three steps to becoming a member:

  1. Get your Amateur license (FCC)
  2. Complete required training (FEMA)
  3. Send application and copies of training certificates to RACES/ARES

There a few resources listed on the Links & References page to get you started studying to get your Amateur license. When you are ready to take the test, the Clarkson University Amateur Radio Club (K2CC) and the Oswegatchie Valley Amateur Radio Club (OVARC) offer testing sessions throughout the year. For these and other testing opportunities, see the ARRL web page Find an Amateur Radio License Exam Session.

For steps 2 and 3, see the What is RACES and ARES? page for more information.

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For questions or comments, please send an email to info @

© 2018, St. Lawrence County RACES/ARES