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St. Lawrence County RACES/ARES
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Officers and Members
St. Lawrence County Radio Officer | Robert Farrington, KD2QLH |
ARRL Emergency Coordinator | Vacant |
RACES Officers | RACES Planning Committee | |||
Radio Officer (RO) | KD2QLH | KB2HPR | N2YLK | |
Alternate RO - VHF Net Manager | WX2CIB | KC2IEL | W2EX | |
Alternate RO - HF Net Manager | Vacant | KC2SVB | WA2NAN | |
Alternate RO - Sky Warn Coordinator | KC2IEL | KD2DXI | WA2YUZ | |
Alternate RO - Packet Manager | Vacant | KD2DXJ | WX2CIB | |
Alternate RO - Logistics | Vacant | KD2QLH | ||
Technical Advisor | Vacant | |||
Secretary | Vacant |
Members by Call Sign | AC2RH | House, Bob | KC2MDQ | Davis, Charles | N2TB | Bertrand, Tom | WA2FDJ | Burns, Donald | KA2MHZ | Papineau, Bill | KC2MEC | Baeulieu, Dale | N2XBV | Sawyer, Thomas | WA2NAN | Bickford, Kerry | KB2HPR | Jackson, David | KC2NXG | Bory, Stephen | N2YLK | McGrath, Daniel | WA2NGD | McCarthy, Dave | KB2YOM | Daniels, David | KC2SVB | Ballard, Craig | N4TW | Champagne, Ted | WA2OEN | Scott, Ron | KC2AVW | Martin, Christine | KC2VGK | Schultz, Ted | NR2V | Reed, Virginia | WA2TS | Sovie, Tom | KC2BEZ | Simmons, Daniel | KD2DXI | Mayers, Bill | NS2Z | Manfred, Thomas | WA2YUZ | Hoover, George | KC2GHT | Caringi, Harry | KD2DXJ | Mayers, Meg | NT2W | Burns, Richard | WB2MQQ | Russell, Ronny | KC2IEL | Rutley, Gregory | KD2QLH | Farrington, Robert | W1NYG | McGowan, Ken | WB2NAO | Gruda, Ben | KC2JDD | French, Nancy | N2ITR | Fernandez, Manuel | W2EX | Dempsey, Martin "Joe" | WD2AMS | Stillwell, Arlene | KC2JWA | Adams, Harold | N2LWW | Manfred, Susan | W2TWA | Wolfe, Vernon | WF2H | Wolfe, Francis, Sr. | KC2LED | Jarrett, Dirk | N2MX | O'Dell, Michael | WA2DCL | Leafe, Douglas | WV2Z | Fortune, Stephen | KC2MBB | Ledger, John | N2NFM | French, Delwin | WA2ENR | Bowden, Ron | WX2CIB | Pechey, David |
Members by Last Name | Adams, Harold | KC2JWA | Davis, Charles | KC2MDQ | Leafe, Douglas | WA2DCL | Pechey, David | WX2CIB | Baeulieu, Dale | KC2MEC | Dempsey, Martin "Joe" | W2EX | Ledger, John | KC2MBB | Reed, Virginia | NR2V | Ballard, Craig | KC2SVB | Farrington, Robert | KD2QLH | Manfred, Susan | N2LWW | Russell, Ronny | WB2MQQ | Bertrand, Tom | N2TB | Fernandez, Manuel | N2ITR | Manfred, Thomas | NS2Z | Rutley, Gregory | KC2IEL | Bickford, Kerry | WA2NAN | Fortune, Stephen | WV2Z | Martin, Christine | KC2AVW | Sawyer, Thomas | N2XBV | Bory, Stephen | KC2NXG | French, Delwin | N2NFM | Mayers, Bill | KD2DXI | Schultz, Ted | KC2VGK | Bowden, Ron | WA2ENR | French, Nancy | KC2JDD | Mayers, Meg | KD2DXJ | Scott, Ron | WA2OEN | Burns, Donald | WA2FDJ | Gruda, Ben | WB2NAO | McCarthy, Dave | WA2NGD | Simmons, Daniel | KC2BEZ | Burns, Richard | NT2W | Hoover, George | WA2YUZ | McGowan, Ken | W1NYG | Sovie, Tom | WA2TS | Caringi, Harry | KC2GHT | House, Bob | AC2RH | McGrath, Daniel | N2YLK | Stillwell, Arlene | WD2AMS | Champagne, Ted | N4TW | Jackson, David | KB2HPR | O'Dell, Michael | N2MX | Wolfe, Francis, Sr. | WF2H | Daniels, David | KB2YOM | Jarrett, Dirk | KC2LED | Papineau, Bill | KA2MHZ | Wolfe, Vernon | W2TWA |
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© 2018, St. Lawrence County RACES/ARES