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St. Lawrence County RACES/ARES

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Update Officers and Planning Committee

OfficersPlanning Committee

1 - To change officers, enter the new callsign in place of the old.
2 - To drop an officer without replacement, delete the callsign.
3 - New officers not on the Planning Committee will be automatically added.
4 - Dropping a Planning Committee members automatically removes them from an office.

Radio Officer (RO)
Alternate RO - VHF Net Manager

Alternate RO - HF Net Manager
Alternate RO - Sky Warn Coordinator
Alternate RO - Packet Manager
Alternate RO - Logistics
Technical Advisor
KB2HPR David Jackson
KC2IEL Gregory Rutley
KC2SVB Craig Ballard
KD2DXI Bill Mayers
KD2DXJ Meg Mayers
KD2QLH Robert Farrington
N2YLK Daniel McGrath
W2EX Martin "Joe" Dempsey
WA2NAN Kerry Bickford
WA2YUZ George Hoover
WX2CIB David Pechey
New committee members

Members not on Planning Committee (by Call Sign)
AC2RHHouse, BobKC2VGKSchultz, TedWA2DCLLeafe, Douglas
KA2MHZPapineau, BillN2ITRFernandez, ManuelWA2ENRBowden, Ron
KB2YOMDaniels, DavidN2LWWManfred, SusanWA2FDJBurns, Donald
KC2AVWMartin, ChristineN2MXO'Dell, MichaelWA2NGDMcCarthy, Dave
KC2BEZSimmons, DanielN2NFMFrench, DelwinWA2OENScott, Ron
KC2GHTCaringi, HarryN2TBBertrand, TomWA2TSSovie, Tom
KC2JDDFrench, NancyN2XBVSawyer, ThomasWB2MQQRussell, Ronny
KC2JWAAdams, HaroldN4TWChampagne, TedWB2NAOGruda, Ben
KC2LEDJarrett, DirkNR2VReed, VirginiaWD2AMSStillwell, Arlene
KC2MBBLedger, JohnNS2ZManfred, ThomasWF2HWolfe, Francis, Sr.
KC2MDQDavis, CharlesNT2WBurns, RichardWV2ZFortune, Stephen
KC2MECBaeulieu, DaleW1NYGMcGowan, Ken
KC2NXGBory, StephenW2TWAWolfe, Vernon

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