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St. Lawrence County RACES/ARES

Thursday, February 6, 2025

St. Lawrence County Emergency Communications

Net Schedules

St. Lawrence County Hospital and Emergency Net

Northeast New York Hospital and Emergency Net


1 - When a January scheduled net falls on January 1st, that net will be held on Wednesday January 2nd.
2 - When a July scheduled net falls on July 4th, that net will be held on Wednesday July 5th.
3 - If you are unable to make your scheduled net-control night, please trade-off with someone in the group.


1 - The use of each repeater will be determined at the time of, or during an activation.
2 - All of the above repeater frequencies may be used on simplex in the event that the repeater is not functional.

Digital Communications

The FLDIGI Communications Software is rapidly becoming the standard for Emergency Digital Communications. All members are urged to become familiar with the use of this program. Our operators at all the Hospitals and Shelters must be able to use digital communications.

Links to the software downloads can be found at You will need to download/install the FLDIGI, FLWRAP, and FLMSG packages.

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For questions or comments, please send an email to info @

© 2018, St. Lawrence County RACES/ARES